Deep within the darkness of the Nazis’ implementation of the Holocaust, there were a few flashes of light – non-Jews who refused to be bystanders, risking their own lives and those of their families to rescue Jews from the threat of death or deportation to the camps. One of Yad Vashem’s principal duties is to convey the gratitude of the State of Israel and the Jewish People to these heroic individuals. In 1963, Yad Vashem established a public commission and for over 50 years has been privileged to be the only organization in the world to bestow the honor of Righteous Among the Nations. This project is unique and an unprecedented attempt by victims to pay tribute to people who stood by their side at a time of persecution and great tragedy. Today, there are currently 26,000 individuals recognized as Righteous Among the Nations.


Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations:

Garden of the Righteous: